I thought I would try my hand at setting up my own blog. I registered this domain a while back but never really bothered to set up much of a web site on it. There’s no real plans about how often I will post here, or even what I will post about. I’m a developer, so I’ll probably be writing about coding and other tech-related topics. I also do a bit of photography so I may post some photos now and then.

Since I’m a developer I had originally thought of building my own blog system using C# and ASP.NET MVC. Why use something that works when you can build yourself something that kinda works? I may still do that someday, but in the end I decided to just use Jekyll, which is built into GitHub Pages. In the future I will add some other features here, including comments.

Hopefully I’ll have something more interesting to post shortly, but for now I’ll share a photo:

Pollenating the flowers.